Did you know that cats can suffer from heat stress? Our kitty clients at The Mindful Mutt are indoor cats, but they are susceptible, too, during the summer.
Know the signs of heat stress in your cat:
Drooling, bubbly spit around the mouth
Wobbly on their feet
Increased heart rate
Tongue is tinted more red than normal
These factors can compound issues with heat stress:
Brachycephalic anatomy (flat-faced breeds) such as Persian, Himalayan and Exotic Shorthair cats
Breathing difficulties/respiratory disease such as laryngeal paralysis, collapsing trachea
Heart problems/Cardiovascular disease
Neurological disease
Young Kittens
Senior Cats
Long haired breeds

Tips for avoiding heat stress/heat stroke in cats:
Keep cats in low-humidity and well-ventilated spaces. Humidity is just as bad as high heat for cats.
Circulate air with a fan, air filter, dehumidifier, and/or air conditioner. Circulating air is an important factor in a cat's ability to cool themselves
Provide ample drinking water: Try a kitty water fountain which may encourage them to drink more water. Cats often get dehydrated in summer time.
Avoid excessive exercise on hot days
When exercising/playing, keep it to mornings and late evenings when it is less hot.